Stay Current on Recent Research
Each year, the Yearbook provides retrospective review articles in a wide range of policy subfields. These articles are peer-reviewed and summarize the most recent developments in policy scholarship, providing an accessible reference to who is studying what, where, and how in the field of public policy.
Policy Studies Yearbook Annual Review, 2022-23
Read all issues of the Policy Yearbook by clicking on the links below by year (all issues are open access):
2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009
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About Us
The Policy Yearbook contains a detailed international listing of policy scholars with contact information, fields of specialization, research references, and an individual scholar’s statements of current and future research interests. The intent is to provide a reasonably comprehensive and accessible reference to the most recent scholarship on all aspects of public policy, as well as indications of future research directions.

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For public policy scholars, inclusion in the Yearbook is a great way to gain visibility and facilitate networking within the policy research community. Listing in the Yearbook is free of charge to all scholars (including graduate students) who do research in public policy.